“The laboratory of pleasure”

“Tom, Mathieu and Arthur in their own way, try to keep a connexion to the Ocean. Maybe, it is the most beautiful way to do it: shaping boards. Sometimes they shape for the odd Swiss client, but most of the time they do it for themselves. They don't do it to own more boards or to make money. They shape for the simple pleasure of doing it, for the experiment, passion and pleasure being the leading words. They are true craftmen as Richard Sennett defines it: "Craftmanship names an enduring, basic human impulse, the desire to do a job well for its own sake." In the workshop, they draw their own line. They are self-taught men, learning everyday. Their hands are in a sensual relationship with the board. They sculpt speed, turns. They sculpt pleasure. Their brains picture the board gliding on the wave. Their hands design it. Shaping a board is earasing the border between brain and hands: mind surfing while sculpting. They do it with style and in the true DIY surf spirit.”

by @vagueinfluence for @saltwatermag
